Zeting looked outside the door, there were two policemen, a fat one and a skinny one. Before Zeting could explain his situation, the fat guy quickly shouted: “Hey you there, get out of that house at once.” The man walked towards Zeting to grab him. Before Zeting could say anything, the two dragged him outside the house. What has this world become? The very people who are meant to protect the safety of the people had turned into mobs like this. Thought Zeting as he was carried away by the two policemen.
The time was about midnight when they arrived at a relatively large stone building. The guards pushed him into a small room where he would spend the next few days in and walked off. The room was quite dark, it had four beds and is made of stone, just like the building.
As Zeting’s eyes adjusted to see in the darkness of the room, he could see that he was not alone. A quite large man was laying in one of the beds. His head was bald, if there was a single torch in the cell, his head would be indistinguishable from an 800 lumens light bulb. The two arms of the prisoner’s are like those of a bear. The man’s eyes shines with vigilance and strength.
The man had wounds all over him so naturally, Zeting went to check up on him.
"Are you alright?" Zeting asked.
The man's response was quite aggressive. "Mind your own business, stranger!" the man growled with hostility.
“But I just wanted to help-”
“You can’t even help yourself, leave me alone.”
Zeting was obviously frustrated, but he still persisted.
“Perhaps you should hear who I actually am before saying that.”
“If you insist, tell me if you want but I honestly will not care the slightest.”
Zeting then proceeded to tell him about his story and his encounter with Zetong and Zetang, but before he could finish, the man interrupted:
“Are you mentally challenged? You, a god? Smite me then.”
“That would cost me too much energy, and I would never be able to defend the world from Zetang’s wrath, on top of that, I have lost most of my power protecting people like you.”
Zeting was eager to share his teachings so after a moment of thinking, he soon returned to the man.
“Tomorrow morning, 3 guards will bring us bread and water, you can drink the water but do not eat the bread, the bread they give me would be safe but yours will be poisoned,” Zeting said with confidence.
The man still thinks Zeting is going insane, but he still kept the prophecy in mind. Nothing happened that night, in the morning next day, the two woke up to the sounds of the door opening. Just as Zeting had predicted, 3 guards entered the cell, two carrying bread and water, the other one was holding a dagger. The two guards gave the man and Zeting their bread and water then walked out of the dungeon, locking the door shut.
The man was worried as all the events that happened this morning had matched with Zeting’s prophecy. He ripped a piece off his bread and threw it onto the ground, right next to a rat that had wondered into the dungeon and then went back to sit in his bed.
The prisoner observed the rat patiently, after a few minutes, the rat started twitching and soon stopped moving.
As the rat laid motionless on the ground, the man stared at Zeting in shock.
“So what did you do to end up in here?” Zeting questioned.